C'est la Vie

7.00 USD
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🌟 INTRODUCING: Our NEXT LEVEL Nutriinnovations Exclusive! 🌟


🍹 C'est la Vie 19-in-1 Premium Wellness Drink:  πŸ’ͺExperience Wellness Without Limits! ✨

Helps support overall good health, fight chronic inflammation, protect against the effects of stress, fatigue, and common infections, while promoting whole-body detoxification and maintaining proper organ functions. 🌿

FEATURING The Combined Powers of:
πŸ‡ Fruit Fortifiers: Buah Merah, Mangosteen, Cranberry, Pomegranate, Goji 
πŸ₯¦ Veggie Boosters: Ampalaya (Bitter Melon), Cucumber 
🌿 Herbal Defenders: Aloe Vera, Ginseng, Turmeric, Black Tea, Green Tea, Stevia 
🌾 Grains of Life: Barley, Wheatgrass, Chia Seeds 
πŸ₯‘ Superfood Wellness: Acai Berry, Spirulina, Probiotics

🍏 A Refreshingly Delicious Way to Stay Healthy Everyday! πŸ’πŸ‡

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